
Name Institution(s) Aim Source and Literature Place
Jamal al-Khatib TURN – Association for the Prevention of Violence and Extremism (Verein für Gewalt- und Extremismusprävention) Delivering alternative narratives online, community engagement and empowerment; aiming at young people who sympathize with jihadist worldviews, teachers, multiplicators, youth workers; scientific project report: her_lippe.pdf online; all of Austria and beyond (Perhaps pin to Vienna, but note as online across Austria)
Decount ISF-co-funded EU pro- ject; Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS), Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), BOJA, Neustart, Derad, the Ministry of the Interior To prevent teenagers and adolescents from becoming radicalised; Website offering materials on radicalisation and extremism prevention; Video game through which processes of radicalisation can be re-enacted plus a guide for its use in youth centres and schools for teachers VIENNA
Mothers’ School against Extremism – Parenting for Peace Women without borders Training in early detection of signs of radicalisation among children aiming at worried mothers Global initiative, situated in Vienna, too

Name Institution(s) Aim Source and Literature Place
BNED - National Network for Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism and De-Radicalisation (Bundesweites Netzwerk Extremismusprävention und Deradikalisierung) Seven federal ministries, several NGOs and civil-society organisations, federal provinces, BVT, Austrian Association of Cities and Towns, Austrian Association of Municipalities Central strategic and policy-advisory body for the nationwide discussion of extremism prevention and deradicalisation in Austria; networking, dissemination of information among network partners; The network is tasked with a) bundling individual measures for extremism prevention and de-radicalisation; b) promoting professional and interdisciplinary exchange on nationwide measures; c) identifying suitable inter- vention measures (such as an exit program); and d) drawing up recommendations for action, strategies, action plans, etc. on current topics National programme; coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior, situated in Vienna

Name Institution(s) Aim Source and Literature Place
Next: No to Extremism Large network of public agencies and NGOs in the province of Styria and the city of Graz Support of institutions dealing with the prevention of extremism, awarenessraising, provision of materials on extremism and hate speech, legal support on extremism and hate speech, workshops; Institutions facing extremism prevention in their work, civil society, educators and teachers, lecturers, politicians and administrators STYRIA/ Graz
Not in God’s Name Not in God’s Name, funding by Federal Chancellery and other public agencies; cooperation with schools Awareness raising, training; children and young adults Vienna
WNED –Vienna Network Democracy Culture and Prevention (Wiener Netzwerk Demo- kratiekultur und Präven- tion) City of Vienna, including several municipal departments, network of practitioners, group of experts; schools, open youth care, collaboration with BNED Awareness raising, training; children and young adults tegration/datenfakten/toolbox-integration.html Vienna

Name Institution(s) Aim Source and Literature Place
Werkstatt.Wien (Workshop.Vienna) Municipal Department 17 “Integration and Diversity”, City of Vienna Education platform offering lectures, discussions and best-practice examples on political-religious extremism, deradicalization and prevention aiming at multipliers in the field of community work, police, educators Vienna
Networking Platform / Afghan and Chechen Communities Municipal Department 17 “Integration and Diversity”, City of Vienna Empowering communities by developing networks and dialogue with the authorities and with institutions like the municipal departments of the City of Vienna, health institutions, the police, educational and labour market institutions; development of networks and dialogue with wider society, e.g. neighbourhood associations; to offer training and information on relevant topics for daily life; to develop projects that will further the societal inclusion of communities; workshops for teenagers with a focus on democracy, non-violence and leisure activities Vienna

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Combating radicalism and terrorism with adjustments to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina =sadrzaj&kat=4&id=40&jezik=e Decreased number of terrorist attacks in Bosnia and Herzegovina GTD Search Results ( Sarajevo
Interreligious council of Bosnia and Herzegovina Establishing interreligious communication and cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Implementation of different projects aimed at peace building in Bosnia and Herzegovina and sending anti- radicalism massages. content/uploads/2020/ 06/irc_bih_4X0.pdf Sarajevo

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Action plan for combating all forms of extremist and terrorist action considering values of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. lan(2).pdf Decreased number of terrorist attacks in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina GTD Search Results (

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Humanity in Action Strengthening capacities for resilience among youth in the Western Balkans against radicalization and violent extremism snia-herzegovina- programs/strengthening-resilience- of-the-youth-against-radicalization- in-the-western-balkans/ Reports from the focus groups of 8-10 young people in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia at high schools and universities Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia
International Organization for Migration (BHRI Program) BHRI supports local activist voices and efforts, bolstering their involvement with authorities, and developing national messaging campaigns and media content based upon issues raised at the local level. Youth workers educated to respond to the needs of young people Trained some 260 young grassroot s journalist Supported major online news portals to counter hate speech on their sites through a combination of targeted campaigning and technical support.

Program(s) Name, year Description Institution(s) Target group(s) Place/Location
National action plan for the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism, 2019–2023 (previous action plans from 2012 and 2016), A national action plan for the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism, prepared in broad cooperation with national and local authorities, civil society organisations, communities and researchers. Ministry of the Interior (responsible for the coordination); national and local authorities, civil society organisations, communities and researchers Finnish authorities, civil society organisations, communities and researchers working with the prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism; Finnish society broadly understood National programme; coordinated from the Ministry of the Interior, situated in Helsinki
EXIT programme, 2020–ongoing, The exit programme consists of three focus areas: education of stakeholders, creation of operating model and client work. The aim of education is to spread knowledge and understanding the importance and substance of exit work. The model creation refers to building permanent practice, which is shaped by co-learning with other EU member states. The client work offers mentoring for voluntary, violently radicalised people or ones at the risk of violent radicalisation. Deaconess Foundation (CSO) Individuals (voluntary people wanting to cut loose from a radical ideology), stakeholders Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Turku and Oulu
RADIK project, 2021–2022, Increasing know-how on violent radicalisation, its identification and prevention amongst health and social sector professionals. Creating a supporting tool and web-based training programme and increasing knowledge on the matter. National Institute for Health and Welfare Health and social sector professionals Operates both nationally and locally in Helsinki and Oulu; the project is carried out by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (headquarters situated in Helsinki)
Reach Out 1, 2 & 3 2013–2023, Development of new policies and forms of supporting people returning from conflict areas and families impinged on by violent radicalisation, supporting the building of cooperation and trust between authorities, different religious communities, and organisations by adding knowledge and coordination. Finn Church Aid (CSO) Authorities, religious communities, and NGOs Operates mainly at the local level in Oulu, Turku, Helsinki and Tampere; some national-level activities; the project is carried out by the Finn Church Aid (headquarters situated in Helsinki)

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Centre for Prevention, Integration and Citizenship” (Centre de prévention, d’insertion et de citoyenneté, (CPIC)), 2016-2021 A Prevention of radicalisation of persons who are yet to engage in criminal terrorist activity Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Pontourny, Indre-et-Loire
Research and intervention on extremist violence (Recherche et intervention sur les violences extrémistes: (RIVE)), 2016-2018 A Reintegration of persons already convicted of terror related crimes before or after serving their sentence Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Paris and Marseille
Programmes of Individualised Support and Social Reaffiliation (Programmes d’accompagnement individualisé et de réaffiliation sociale (PAIRS)), 2018- Disengagement” of persons convicted in terrorism and of ordinary detainees suspected of being radicalised from violent radicalisation and prevent the risk of violence while encouraging social reintegration Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Hecker M, ‘Once a Jihadist, Always a Jihadist? A Deradicalization Program Seen from the Inside’ (2021). Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Lille

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
“Mulhouse programme” Social reintegration of persons undergoing criminal proceedings for involvement in violent crimes Benbassa E and Troendlé C, ‘Rapport Final de La Mission d’information Sur Le Désendoctrinement, Le Désembrigadement et La Réinsertion Des Djihadistes En France et En Europe, N° 633’ (12 July 2017). Benbassa E and Troendlé C, ‘Rapport Final de La Mission d’information Sur Le Désendoctrinement, Le Désembrigadement et La Réinsertion Des Djihadistes En France et En Europe, N° 633’ (12 July 2017). Mulhouse

Name Date Agents Approach Scale Place
Action Program against Aggression and Violence (AgAG) 1992 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative Nationwide: regional focus on eastern Germany East Germany
Youth for tolerance and democracy - against right-wing extremism, xenophobia and antisemitism 2001 - 2006 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide: regional focus on eastern Germany East Germany
Support of counselling networks – mobile intervention against right-wing extremism 2007 - 2010 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide Nationwide
Diversity feels good. Youth for Diversity, Tolerance and Democracy 2007 - 2010 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide Nationwide
Initiative Strengthen Democracy 2010 - 2014 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide Nationwide
Promoting Tolerance - Strengthening Competence (TFKS) 2011 - 2014 The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide Nationwide
Live Democracy! 2015 – until today The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and civil society Integrative and preventive Nationwide

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1. ‘Facing All the Facts’ CEJI,NKE hate crime awareness / monitoring National
2. ‘Call It Hate: Raising Awareness of Anti-LGBT Hate Crime’ Háttér, HHC, TASZ anti-LGBT hate crime awareness National
‘Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings’ Foresee To test if restorative justice practices can help supporting victims of crime, raising responsibilitytaking in offenders, supporting the prison staff and inmates in peacefully resolving their internal conflicts and reintegrating offenders into society after release. National
Prevention of radicalization in the prison- system’ Foresee, Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, Menedék, NKE Understanding of the reasons behind radicalization and to improve skills required to recognise and prevent radicalisation through training activities also supporting and accelerating the reaction of staff. Local/Budapest

Practice to de radicalize Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1- National Security Strategy National Security Service, 2015 Confronting the risks and threats that create an environment conducive to radicalization and violence in Iraq Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies 2019, the strategy to combat violent extremism leading to terrorism The level of violence decreased as a result of assigning all ministries to implement the strategy activities of each relevant ministry Baghdad
2- Survey of the general state of safety and security Six Iraqi provinces (Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Karbala, Salah al- Din Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies, founded on June 17, 2012 Inducting researches and studies on radicalization and terrorism and ways to combat them. In addition to holding workshops, seminars, lectures and conference s to raise awareness , enhance community cohesion as well as to protect diversity in Iraq Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies 2019, the strategy to combat violent extremism leading to terrorism Reducing the level of violence in the six mentioned governorates Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Karbala, Salah al- Din
3- A strategy to combat violent radicalization leading to terrorism 2019 The National Security Advisory and the ministries concerned with implementing the strategy development plans and studies to combat termism Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies 2019, the strategy to combat violent extremism leading to terrorism Ministries and institutions carrying out their tasks and creating special programs in line with the strategy Baghdad
4- Counterterrorism strategy2016 CounterTerrorism Apparatus Military strike force to combat terrorism, and to carry out the pursuit of terrorists Interview with security experts Decreased armed activity of terrorist groups Baghdad
5- Welcoming the Yazidi women who were captured by ISIS in all parts of Iraq to return to their society and religion, which is contrary to the accepted traditions in the Yazidi society in the past. The supreme spiritual institution of the Yezidis represented by the spiritual leader of the Yezidis, Baba Sheikh (Khurtu Haji Ismail) Introducing changes in Yazidi beliefs and rituals to serve to eliminate religious extremism towards other religions Wainscott A., 2019: Engaging Iraqi religious leaders in the peace and reconciliation process during the post-ISIS era. United State Institute of peacemaking peace possible. No.154.NOV.2019, [online] Available at:, [Accessed July, 7, 2021]. Hundreds of Yazidis have been returned to their families because of this initiative and practice, which belongs to an Iraqi minority, but it has taken on a patriotic character and an example of tolerance and national reconciliation far from retaliation and revenge
6- Various security Activates of De- Radicalization Ministry of Interior - Intelligence Service Fighting terrorism in all its forms Interview with security experts There are indications of the weakness of the cells of terrorist groups Baghdad
7- Various coordination programs and information exchange Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Department of Combating Terrorism Coordination with states, institutions and international and regional organizations to combat terrorism Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Department of .Planning q, The development of international cooperation with Iraq on the issue of combating extremism and terrorism (the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership), a regional conference Baghdad

Practice to de radicalize Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1-The programs of moderation and rehabilitation in colour for juvenile (children) inmates in Nasiriya Correctional Facility and convicted of terrorist crimes 2019-2020 Ministry of Justice Department of Reforms in Nasiriya )prisons( Rehabilitation of extremist juveniles in correctional institutions Ali H., 2020. Rehabilitation of Juvenile Extremists in Correctional Institutions, Moderation and Colour Therapy Programs, as an example, p. 11 Succeeding to moderate 500 inmates who have been recruited by ISIS (the Cubs of the Caliphate) and the colour rehabilitation scheme targets extremist juveniles who accompany their ISIS mothers Nasiriya

Program(s) Name, year Description Institution(s) Target group(s) Place
City without Violence, 2004 This initiative involves working under the premise that geographical communities can reduce internal violence by using social and technological mechanisms to detect radicalization and prevent it. The two main objects: 1. Information days about the phenomenon of violence and its consequences. 2. Surveys to examine local needs. City without Violence" is considered a municipal model for handling all types of violence committed by adults and youths. The model is based on the corporation and integration of all systems that deal with violence: education, welfare, security enforcement and health, and also third sector organizations Ministry of homeland security; ministry of internal affairs; Municipalities under government supervision; Youths and general public in municipalities across Israel Nationwide
The Anti-Racism Coordinating Governmental Unit (ARCGU), 2017 The unit has opened the first communication channel between the government and the public by accepting and handling complaints about Institutional racism. In addition, it adheres to several institutional practices, such as disciplinary actions against officials who perform racist behavior. State officials use the unit's annual reports State attorney justice department; Ministry of Justice Minority groups such as: LGBTQ+, Ethiopian community, orthodox community, Arabs, etc.; public employees and the general public that suffer from institutional racism Nationwide
Israeli Hope, 2016 This initiative has expanded since 2016 to public schools, especially within mixed cities, which are given awards for encouraging inclusive discourse, particularly between Jews and Arabs. In addition, the municipality increases the number of local authorities participating and gives them the tools to fight racism and exclusion within their communities House of the President with Universities and local authorities. Youths, students and general population Nationwide

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Judiciary 1.Juvenile Court of Trieste Young foreign boy disengagement, through religious counternarrative and social activities in a multicultural environment Extinction of the criminal offence, through the effectiveness of the individualized program, carried out with a multi-agency approach and taking into consideration specific biographical aspects that led to radicalization through Isis Telegam channels Trieste
2.Tribunal of Bari, decree n. 71/17 Italian man disengagement through an individual program, in addition to a special preventive measure as a socially dangerous personà-e-diritti-nei-programmi-di-deradicalizzazione.pdf Individual program carried out through a civil mentoring and a mediator, in order to strengthen Italian constitutional values and trust towards democracy, rather than relying on a religious counternarrative, chosen by institution, as a tool noncompliant with the secular Italian legal system Bari
TRIVALENT, “Terrorism pRevention via rAdicalisation countERNarraTive” Develop counterviolence measures at a cultural and communication level. Awareness-raising and training of public security agents, in order to provide them with guidelines for a common action ?

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Lombardy Region 1. Training and research activities to understand and prevent the phenomena and processes of violent radicalization , l. n. 24/2017 Promotion of initiatives for the prevention involving schools, universities, local police officers as well as associations dealing with integration programs of extremisms, including the ‘religious’ one, through legality and respect for differences, with the support of institutions and media Lombardy region
Lombardy Region and regional education office 2. Convention between the Lombardy region and the regional education office for the implementati on of the project “education to differences to fight all forms of violent extremism In-depth teaching staff training, also addressed to students and their parents, in order to help them in advancing their knowledge about phenomena of violent extremism in general http://www.istruzione.lombardi Lombardy region
Region 3. Marche Region In-depth teaching staff training, also addressed to students and their parents, in order to help them in advancing their knowledge about phenomena of violent extremism in general http://www.istruzione.lombardi 15787_16_settembre_2016/ https://usr.istruzione.lombardia /2018/6/?cat=422 https://usr.istruzione.lombardia /2019/05/m_pi.AOODRLO.RE GISTRO- UFFICIALEU.0010066. 24-05-2019-1.pdf Lombardy region
Liguria Region and the cooperative “Anziani E Non Solo” from Carpi (Emilia Romagna) with the partnership of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies YEIP, “Youth Empowerme nt and Innovation Project” Raise awareness among new generations about the consequences and risks of radicalization, through a full preventive approach Liguria Region

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1.Turin preventive strategy, guidelines for the establishment of a multi-agency panel for the prevention of violent extremism Turin Metropolitan City Local strategy also in collaboration with the RAN network, in order to share useful information and skills for prevention purposes, to offer support in disengagement processes and to render civil society resilient to the phenomenon. The approach is that of safety, rather than security, through a collective and a multi-agency activity Turin Metropolitan City
2. C4C, first program ever tested in Italy: “Counternarrative for counterterrorism” Turin Metropolitan City Carried out in schools, , it aims at training and informing students about all the facets of extremism and its manifestations, also dealing with sensitive, debated, contemporary issues Turin Metropolitan City
3.PACTESUR Turin Metropolitan City and Anci (National Association of Italian Municipalities), in collaboration with City of Nice and Liege Addressed to local and other member state police officers, it was aimed at creating general guidelines for actions and to assess the best way in getting ‘fair’ communicative standards, which could lead the activities of all local and territorial authorities Turin Metropolitan City and Anci in collaboration with City of Nice and Liege
FAIR, “Fighting Against Inmates Radicalization” “Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo” foundation based in the city of Ravenna (Emilia- Romagna) and the “InEuropa” association with the support of European partners Train the prison staff, especially in gaining appropriate tools and methodology to support the most vulnerable or marginalized inmates within the prison community, learning to cope with vulnerabilities exposed to the attraction of an extremist message Ravenna

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1. Community Peace Center Public Security Directorate Combating extremist ideology and raising awareness, prevention and treatment. Maintaining a participatory work and opening channels of communication and collaboration with the local community towards a mod- erate religious thought. Amman
2. Dialogue program for in- mates of takfiri thought Correctional and Rehabilitation Centers Department Dialogue with inmates who show extremist thoughts, in order to en- lighten them about a moderate religious doctrine Amman

Authority Tier of government Type of organization Area of competence in the field of radicalization& deradicalization Link/ Source Place
Division for Prevention and Reintegration of Radicalised Persons (DPRRI) Divizioni për Parandalimdhe Riintegrim të personave të radikalizuar (DPRPR) National Division within the Department for Public Safety, Ministry of Internal Affairs DPRI has been established to coordinate, communicate, monitor, and evaluate the process of reintegration for radicalized persons. https:// mpb.rks - f/78/Div izioniper- Parand alimdhe- Riintegr im-tePerson ave-teRadikali zuar Pristina
Kosovo Police Policia e Kosovës National Law enforcement The Investigation Department works towards awareness raising, early identification, targeting and treating individuals and criminal groups. Prevention of serious crimes, including terrorism involves: prevention of radicalism and Violent Extremism, conducting proactive and reactive investigations. Its Directorate Against Terrorism seeks to prevent and disable terrorists from recruiting, planning attacks or building legitimacy within Kosovo through investigations, collection of intelligence, maintenance and analysis of intelligence, use of secret investigation measures, conducting of clandestine operations, etc. https:// www.ko sovopol /en/dep artment s/invest igationdepart ment/ Pristina
Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA National Security and Intelligence Agency KIA seeks to identify threats detrimental to the security of Kosovo through the collection and analysis of information related to, among others, incitement, aiding and abetting or advocating terrorism; acts of organized violence or intimidation against ethnic or religious groups in Kosovo. https:// www.ak i- Pristina
Kosovo Correctional Services (KCS) Shërbimi Korrektues I Kosovës National Agency, Ministry Justice of KCS aims works towards the correction and re-socialization of prisoners by respecting their fundamental rights regardless of race, language and religion as well as providing a safe environment for staff, prisoners, and society https://s en/shkk /480/his toriku/4 80
Kosovo Probation Services (KPS) Shërbimi SprovuesI Kosovës National Agency, Ministry Justice of KPS organizes, applys and supervises the execution of the alternative punishments and the social re-integration of the convicted persons (probation duties); prepares social inquiries and pre- punishment reports for the committals of criminal acts; evaluates criminal risk and assesses the treatment needs of the committers of criminal acts https:// px?id=2 ,19

Name of the project Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature/ outcomes Place
POWER Internal Security Agency Increasing the competences of the state security services, employees of public administration and research and development centers and the development of their cooperation in the area of national security jekty-ue/1706,CPT-ABWz-UE-na-rzecz-prewencjiterrorystycznej.html Conducted trainings for nearly two thousand officials and employees of public administration, both at the government and local government level. No evaluations available. Warsaw
INDEED Internal Security Agency Strengthening comprehensive approach to preventing and counteracting radicalisation based on evidence based model for evaluation of radicalisation prevention. jekty-ue/1706,CPT-ABWz-UE-na-rzecz-prewencjiterrorystycznej.html No information on the outcomes or evaluations. Warsaw
CHAMPIONs Co- operative Harmonised Action Model to Stop Polarisation in Our Nations The Institute of Social Safety Integration of de-radicalization experts through an online platform to solve local issues champions/ https://www.championsproj No information on the outcomes or evaluations Warsaw
‘Do one brave thing’ The Institute of Social Safety Training for people aged 18- 30 how to recognize the phenomenon of radicalism, both online and offline. do-one-brave-thing/ / No information on the outcomes or evaluations. Warsaw
PRECOBIAS Prevention of Youth Radicalisation Through Self- Awareness on Cognitive Biases The Institute of Social Safety Teaching young people how cognitive errors can lead to an easier acceptance of extremist content. projekt-ue-precobias/ Executive Report p- content/uploads/2020/08/P RECOBIAS-867186-D2.1Executive-Report.pdf Scientific Paper p- content/uploads/2021/02/P RECOBIAS-ScientificPaper-Discourse-Patterns- used-by-extremist- Salafists-on-Facebook.pdf Warsaw
‘We make young people in Poland immune to radicalization and extremism’ The Institute of Social Safety Equip people aged 18-30 with the knowledge and skills to recognize the process of radicalization and violent extremism. projektu-w-ramach- funduszu-obywatelskiego/ No information on the outcomes or evaluations. Warsaw
‘Let’s Kick Racism out of Football Stadium’s’ Never Again’ Association Promote anti-racist attitudes among football fans https://www.nigdywiecej.or g/o-nas/nasze- inicjatywy/wykopmyrasizm-ze-stadionow Removing, in collaboration with the Polish Football Association, fascist symbolism from stadiums. Warsaw
‘Football Fans Together’ Ministry of Sport and Tourism Education of football fans against violence, racism and intolerance. It aims to develop empathy, civic virtues and ‘positive patriotism’ without xenophobia. Not applicable Warsaw - Currently there are 18 local branches of the project.

Name of the project Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature/ outcomes Place
‘Partnership for Active Estates’ Ministry of Administration and Digitisation, Voivode Civic education on diversity for local residents and students. wum-bronislawa- komorowskiego/witryna- obywatelska/witryna- obywatelska/projekt,284.html Integration of the local community, - intergenerational cooperation, -increasing the sense of acceptance for the diversity and multiculturalism among local people. Bialystok
‘Etnoliga’ Foundation for Freedom Creating an environment where people can play football free from racism, sexism and homophobia. Not applicable Warsaw

Title Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1. Enhancement of media reporting on violent extremism and terrorism CSO Novi Sad School of Journalism raising awareness about media unprofessionalism regarding sensitive topics like radicalisation, extremism, and terrorism, including deconstruction of fake news and improvement in media reporting on these topics Novi Sad
2. BEHAVE – SEE Beyond Hate: Learning and Acting to Counter Hate Speech Online in South East Europe CSO Novi Sad School of Journalism, in partnership with the Peace Institute (Ljubljana), Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana) and Center for Peace Studies (Zagreb) identifying good practices in countering online hate speech in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia; understanding online hate speech, developing critical thinking and addressing hate narratives in media, focusing particularly on youth; improving competencies of high school teachers in addressing online hate speech Ljubljana, Slovenia; Zagreb, Croatia; Novi Sad, Serbia
3. Virtual Becomes Reality *this initiative is part of CoE’s campaign No Hate Speech Movement CSO Libero prevention of digital violence; educational programmes focused on children and youth n/a Belgrade?
4. Resilience: Civil Society for Media Free of Hate and Disinformation CSO Novi Sad School of Journalism improving capacities of media CSOs and stakeholders to better understand and cope with disinformation and hateful propaganda, building people's resilience to disinformation and offering joint solutions Novi Sad
5. Say No to Hate Speech on the Internet (Reci ne govoru mržnje na internetu) *this action is part of the CoE’s youth campaign No Hate Speech Movement Ministry of Youth and Sports raising youth's awareness about hate speech and educating them to recognise offline and online hate speech n/a Belgrade
6. Trening Zaustavimo govor mržnje (Training Let's stop hate speech) *this action is part of Serbian National Campaign against Hate Speech Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije i Institut za medije i različitosti Zapadni Balkan raising youth’s awareness of hate speech consequences; offering broader understanding of freedom of expression and hate speech; training for peer educators n/a Belgrade
7. Pametno i bezbedno – Smart and Safe Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunicati ons raising digital security culture, focusing particularly on children and youth, and reporting adverse digital content, including the spreading of hate speech n/a Serbia
8. Anonimna mržnja (Anonymous Hatred) CSOs Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and LIBER New Media Centre raising public awareness about online hate speech and suggesting the mechanisms for countering hate speech, particularly the responsibility and punishment policy Belgrade
9. Development of Capacities for the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education in Secondary Schools in the Republic of Serbia - Laying the Foundations Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism, particularly ideologically driven violence in educational institutions n/a Serbia
10. Training Supporting prevention of violent extremism and terrorism in Serbia * this activity is part of the project of the same title Ministry of Interior and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to Serbia empower CSOs, mainly dealing with youth, for countering radicalisation, extremism, and terrorism; educate police officers, religious leaders, education workers, social and health workers, and all persons who are involved in countering radicalisation, extremism, and terrorism on a daily basis while performing their jobs (brochure prepared) http!ut Serbia
11. Enhancing penitentiary capacities in addressing radicalisation in prisons in the Western Balkan * a part of Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022 programme (the joint EU and CoE programme) Ministry of Justice, Penitentiary and probation services provide tools for identification of radicalised prisoners, develop instruments and programmes for rehabilitation and treatment, organise trainings of prison and probation staff on prison radicalisation and VEPs Western Balkans and Turkey
12. Project Communities First: Creation of a Civil Society Hub to Address Violent Extremism— From Prevention to Reintegration * regional project implemented in Western Balkans CSO Cultural Centre DamaD, in cooperation with regional partners strengthen the capacities of CSOs in Western Balkans in the prevention and countering of radicalisation and violent extremism, including reintegration; improve dialogue with state authorities and implement effective programs in the mentioned fields Western Balkans

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1. Building Youth Resilience to Radicalisation & Violent Extremism (BYRVE) and Youth Leadership Program * both programmes were implemented as part of the project Youth for Change: Strengthening the resilience of young people in Serbia through engagement, leadership and development of their cognitive and socioemotional skills CSO Psychosocial Innovation Network (PIN) developing different cognitive, emotional, and social skills relevant for preventing radicalisation and building youth resilience to radicalisation and extremism; providing alternative narratives to violence; implemented in two regions: Belgrade area and Sandžak region (in the cities of Novi Pazar and Sjenica) Belgrade area and Sandžak region (in the cities of Novi Pazar and Sjenica)
2. Combating of discrimination, online hate speech and toxic narratives in multicultural regions of Serbia * supported through a joint project of the EU and CoE Promotion of Diversity and Equality in Serbia CSO Monitor from Novi Pazar building and strengthening the resilience of youth and communities to hate speech and discrimination, especially in online context and in multicultural environment; creating a network of local trainers among youth n/a Belgrade
3. Regional pilot training courses * as a part of the project Supporting the prevention of violent extremism and terrorism in Serbia OSCE Mission to Serbia and Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia educate police officers on early identification and prevention of violent extremism and terrorism n/a Belgrade

Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
1. Project Security Risks in Sandžak— an Integrated Response of the Community CSO Cultural Centre DamaD research on radicalisation and extremism in Novi Pazar (Sandžak region); identification of radicalisation potential among youth through human security perspective; analysis of institutional capacities of Novi Pazar for radicalisation prevention; youth vulnerability assessment framework; multisectoral approach for guiding local stakeholders Novi Pazar (Sandžak region);
2. Project #YouthAgainst Hate * within the project CVE in Serbia: Early warning and prevention, supported by OSCE Mission to Serbia Media Diversity Institute Western Balkans building youth resilience to offline and online hate speech; understanding the link between discrimination, marginalisation, and hate speech as drivers of youth radicalisation; implemented in local Belgrade communities n/a Belgrade
3. Project Dialogue for the Prevention of Extremism * supported within the project Communities First: Creation of a Civil Society Hub to Address Violent Extremism— From Prevention to Reintegration CSO Sombor Educational Center prevent and reduce extremism among youth in Sombor n/a Sombor
4. Project Promoting Tolerance: All Together in Sandžak CSO Helsinki Committee for Human Rights early identification of radicalisation and extremism among youth, building youth resilience in the broader context of human rights and freedoms; implemented in the Sandžak region (in the cities of Novi Pazar, Sjenica, and Tutin) politike sandzak.pdf Sandžak region (in the cities of Novi Pazar, Sjenica, and Tutin)
5. Anger management workshops for convicts within the psychosocial support programme (in prison facilities) * in 2020, due to the COVID19 situation, the workshops were held online for the first time Penal Correctional Institution (PCI) in Niš, in cooperation with the local Human Rights Centre reduce the recidivism rate and enable easier reintegration into society by increasing prisoners’ self-esteem, improving their mental health and stress management; train convicts for becoming trainers to other inmates n/a Niš

Program(s) Name, year Description Institution(s) Target group(s) Place
Return to Village and Rehabilitation Project 1999-2015 Rehabilitation, integrative covering Southeast and East Anatolia Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Directorate of Provincial Administration The population who were forced to migrate from their villages due to the armed conflict between PKK and state Southeast and East Anatolia
Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons (R2PRIS) 2015-2020 A national integrative and civic education program Erasmus + & General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses Prison staff & intelligence staff Ankara
Turkish National Police Projects against Radicalization 2015-unknown A national preventive program Turkish National Police Vulnerable youth and under risk social milieu Ankara
Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Justice and the Presidency of Religious Affairs 2019-indefinite National, integrative and civic education Ministry of Justice & Presidency of Religious Affairs All inmates, with a specific focus on those convicted for being affiliated with a terrorist organization Ankara
Activities of the Presidency of Religious Affairs against radicalization- Date not available Integrative,awareness-raising and civic education activities covering Turkey,Central Asia and Balkans Ministry of Justice & Presidency of Religious Affairs Jihadist radicalization, refugees Istanbul

Programme Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Prevent The Home Office “The Prevent strategy, published by the Government in 2011, is part of our overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. In the Act this has simply been expressed as the need to “prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. https://www. nment/public ations/preve nt-dutyguidance/rev ised-preventdutyguidance-forengland-andwales Qurashi, F. The Prevent strategy and the UK ‘war on terror’: embedding infrastructures of surveillance in Muslim communities. Palgrave Commun 4, 17 (2018). London, UK
The Healthy Identity Intervention The Home Office, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation service The aim of this programme is to encourage and facilitate desistance and disengagement from extremist offending for any prisoner involved with extremism or terrorism London, UK
Channel programme The Home Office “Channel provides early support for anyone who is vulnerable to being drawn into any form of terrorism or supporting terrorist organisations, regardless of age, faith, ethnicity or background.” Qurashi, F. The Prevent strategy and the UK ‘war on terror’: embedding infrastructures of surveillance in Muslim communities. Palgrave Commun 4, 17 (2018). London, UK
Exit UK ExitUK Integrative, Educational, Therapeutic support provided to radicalised individuals or those who are vulnerable to radicalisation. Support is provided for individuals to exit radicalised communities and groups safely https://exituk. org/ London
Hope not Hate Hope not Hate Educational and Legal Support for individuals who have been radicalised or are vulnerable to radicalisation https://hopen London, UK

Programme Institution(s) Aim Source Evidence of effectiveness / literature Place
Prevent 1. Police forces 2. National Health Service 3. Local Councils 4. Educational Institutes The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Qurashi, F. The Prevent strategy and the UK ‘war on terror’: embedding infrastructures of surveillance in Muslim communities. Palgrave Commun 4, 17 (2018). 057/s41599-0170061-9 London, UK